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9-1-1 is only to be used in an emergency! But if it is an actually emergency, don't hesitate to call.  When you call 9-1-1, from a land phone, your call goes over dedicated networks to a dedicated answering point (PSAP) for the caller's location where trained personnel then send the help that is needed.  For our area the 9-1-1 call center is the Allen Parish Sheriff's Office. The nature of cell phones makes the phone connect to the strongest cell tower.  This tower may be in the Parish/City you are in or maybe in another.  Sometimes this can delay response by the appropriate agency.  With our district (Allen Parish Fire District 3) being on the line between Beauregard and Allen Parish calls can be routed wrong.  Therefore it is best to let the dispatcher knows what Parish you are in.

Here are some tips for making a 9-1-1 call:

  • Be calm as possible - It's hard to remain calm in an emergency situation but when someone yells into a phone it is hard for the call taker to understand.
  • Know your location - Be as certain as possible where you are and provide a description of your location.
  • Don't hang up - Until a dispatcher or other emergency personnel instruct you, stay on the call.  Dispatchers are trained to ask questions about the emergency to give the responders the information they need to better assist you.

What will I be asked when calling to report an emergency:

  • Location (Exact address or cross streets) This is probably the most important information you can provide, so try to be aware of your surroundings.  Make a real effort to be as detailed as possible.  If you are outside and don't know the street address, take a look around and try to find landmarks or cross streets.
  • Nature of the emergency - What is wrong? What happen? What is happening now? Be as detailed as possible.

If you call 9-1-1 by mistake don't hang up!  Complete the call and tell the dispatcher you called by mistake.


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